Legal advice

In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the owner of the website is:


C/ Gremi de Cirurgians i Barbers, número 17
Pol. Son Rossinyol
07009 de Palma de Mallorca, España.

VAT: A-07145881
Tel: +34 971 201 800

The user’s access and navigation through the Web Site implies knowledge and acceptance, without any reservations whatsoever, of the Conditions of Use of the Web Site.

For information purposes, this Web Site is maintained and contains standard security procedures generally accepted to protect not only the information contained therein, but also the information that may be provided by visitors to the Web Site. The objective is to avoid the inappropriate use, loss or modification of contents and information.

Please note that only authorized personnel have access to personal information and identification that a visitor can offer through the site.

We remind you that our site may contain links to other sites which may not be controlled by the same privacy policies, and also that the technological process itself, while developing, may place the information that is circulating in the network in a weak position under certain circumstances.

The Web Site may offer certain information on specific topics for explanatory purposes, therefore it may be incomplete for decision-making processes on User’s business or personal matters. The information presented is not, in any case, a consultancy or advisory services. Before making any decision, please consult your personal advisor. No liability will be accepted for decisions that someone may take based on the information contained in our website. The owner of the website is not responsible for any specific, indirect or incidental damages arising from and/or deriving from user’s website-surfing behaviour and/or the use of our website.

The User bears his own responsibility that may arise from or derive from the use of this site and/or the information contained therein.